Myparcel provides a dropdown list of commonly used AHECC export codes when you are booking international shipments.
If you cannot find your goods in the list, Myparcel recommends visiting the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website to download the latest official AHECC list.
Scroll halfway down the page to the Data downloads section. Click the “Show all data” button to reveal the Summary Table. Download and open the Summary Table XLSX spreadsheet, click on the Summary tab, and find the appropriate section for the classification of goods you are shipping. Then from the ABS website, download and open the XLSX spreadsheet(s) for the selected section(s) to find the AHECC code(s) for your goods. You may wish to use the ctrl + F command or search bar in the spreadsheet to find the item you are looking for.
To search for AHECC codes in multiple sections, it may be easier to click the “Download all” button and save the ZIP file to your PC. Open the ZIP file to view and open the XLSX spreadsheets inside.
There are also some online guides and search tools that may assist in finding an AHECC code. Please use these guides at your own discretion.