What paperwork is required for international shipments?

  International shipments require more paperwork than domestic shipments due to the customs obligations of both Australia and the destination country. In general, international shipments require the following paperwork: A least one shipping label securely attached to each item in a visible position. If there are multiple items, the labels should be consecutively numbered to indicate this (e.g. 1 of […]

How do I send to Japan?

To get a quote for delivering goods to Japan, tick the International box, then enter only the 7-digit postcode (with no dash) in the Deliver To field. e.g. 2310048 Change the Country to Japan. Ensure all other fields are completed before clicking the See Quotes button.

How do I get international pricing?

To get a quote for a shipment from Australia to another country, go to the Myparcel Home page and complete the details as usual. Before completing the Deliver To field, click the International tickbox below it. Then enter the suburb and postcode of the destination in the Deliver To field. Note that there is no selection dropdown list for international […]